Team 4 (Adrien Hefti)
Certificate First Aid Level 3 IVR*
Bivouac and sports
Set-up and operation of the medical aid station...
Patient loading into the SuperPuma helicopter
You have already attended Team 3
and are 16 years old or older.
Implementation: July 20 - 27, 2024
Downloads Team Adrien Hefti
Picasso Team Adrien Hefti
Packing list Team Adrien Hefti DEU
Packing list Team Adrien Hefti FRA
Regulations Team Adrien Hefti
59.005 D Self-help and comradeship
59.005 F Aide à soi-même et au camarade
59.005 I Aiuto a se stesso e al camerata
59.041 D The human body
59.041 F Le corps humain
59.042 D Primary school for the medical service
59.042 F Instruction de base pour le service sanitaire
59.042 I Istruzione di base per il servizio sanitario
59.110 D The medical aid posts
59.110 F Le poste de secours sanitaire
59.123 D Injection, infusion, blood collection
59.123 F Injection, perfusion et prise de sang
59.123 I Iniezione, infusione e prelievo ematico