Team 4 (Adrien Hefti)
Certificate First Aid Level 3 IVR*
Bivouac and sports
Set-up and operation of the medical aid station...
Patient loading into the SuperPuma helicopter
You have already attended Team 3
and are 16 years old or older.
Implementation: July 20 - 27, 2024
Downloads Team Adrien Hefti
Picasso Team Adrien Hefti
Daily schedules Team Adrien Hefti
Packing list Team Adrien Hefti DEU
Packing list Team Adrien Hefti FRA
Regulations Team Adrien Hefti
59.005 D Self-help and comradeship
59.005 F Aide à soi-même et au camarade
59.005 I Aiuto a se stesso e al camerata
59.041 D The human body
59.041 F Le corps humain
59.042 D Primary school for the medical service
59.042 F Instruction de base pour le service sanitaire
59.042 I Istruzione di base per il servizio sanitario
59.110 D The medical aid posts
59.110 F Le poste de secours sanitaire
59.123 D Injection, infusion, blood collection
59.123 F Injection, perfusion et prise de sang
59.123 I Iniezione, infusione e prelievo ematico